The Gift that Keeps on Giving

My Christmas Guide to buying gifts and filling stocking

Friends…it’s almost that time of year again! It’s almost Christmas! If you’ve followed me any length of time, you know that I love this time of year. I already have my glistening decorations up and I have my Christmas playlist ready so all I need to do is hit play. Christmas is such a special time for me and my family. Not only is it a time we remember the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ, but it is also a time where we show appreciation for the blessings he has given our family. The beautiful children He has given us are truly the most precious gift to me. I adore the memories we get to make each year that passes. And now that my oldest is fifteen, those times to make memories are precious gems. As my kids grow, the memories I get to make with my kids are the best gifts I could ever ask for at Christmas time. 

Although my family knows the main reason for Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus, we still share in the Christmas tradition of gift giving. With four kids, it helps to have a plan when buying gifts for your children.  Since we have both younger and older kids, we do not set a budget per child as it is nearly impossible to do so. Instead, we follow a simple outline for what we buy each of our children. Below you’ll find two guides, one for stockings and the other for gifts. I hope they bring some inspiration. It’s never too early to start shopping.

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Stocking Stuffers

Stockings are one of those items that can be easily forgotten if not planned for. My husband and I have come up with some simple practical stocking ideas that help to give us a framework so I’m not not just grabbing junk to fill it up. 

You can’t forget your better half when filling those stockings. It can be hard to find items to put in your husband's stocking, but you can use the same guidelines for your husband. Here are a few ideas I’ve used for Jake. 

Stocking ideas for husband: 

Gift Giving

When shopping for our children, my husband and I have used the outline below for years. It has helped us to focus our Christmas shopping and minimizes excess. 

For each child we buy a gift for each of these categories.

My kids also do a secret sibling gift exchange with each other where they randomly draw a name out of a hat and they keep it a secret. They generally do additional chores to earn money for their siblings.

So now to the question many of you have probably been asking…what did you get your kids for Christmas this year. Well without further ado…

What I got my 14 year old son

I hope sharing these tips and lists was helpful. Although getting things is nice for Christmas, we must all remember the true meaning behind this special day. As it says in Luke 2:11-12, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.

Merry Christmas Friends!




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