Easter Basket Guides 2024
Easter is early this year and is fast approaching. Every year I like to gift my kids with practical items in their Easter baskets. It has nothing to do with the resurrection of our Savior, but is just a fun gesture I love doing for my kids. Now that my kids are older, bubbles and chocolate bunnies aren’t cutting it anymore so I have gotten more creative with the items I choose. Here are the items I got my kids for their Easter baskets this year. I’ve also included items I picked out for my nephews. For all the items I’ve gotten now and in the past you can visit my EASTER BASKET LIST on Amazon.
As a disclaimer, these links are affiliate links, so if you use them, you are supporting my YouTube channel and my blog.
If you’d like to learn more about how I homeschool during Easter or Past Easter Basket Guides for my kids, check out this blog post I shared last year.
I pray, this Easter, that each of you experience the newness of life only Christ brings. I pray you carry HIS love and HIS peace that only a life lived in surrender and obedience can bring.
Until Next Time!