Homeschooling High School: My Insights into the Most Important Years

Homeschooling high school—it's been quite the adventure in our household. As a veteran homeschool mom with almost a decade of experience and currently navigating the high school years with three teens and one middle schooler, I've learned a lot along the way. In my opinion, these are arguably the most critical years in your children’s homeschool.

I haven’t written a post on homeschooling high school since January 2023, so I thought it was time to share more. To read that post, check it out here. In this blog post, I'm excited to share some key insights I’ve discussed in my YouTube videos, including why Shormann Math has been a game-changer for us and why dual enrollment is a fantastic option to consider. So grab a cup of coffee, sit down, and get comfy while you read. 

It’s More than Just Academics

I’ve shared much of my  journey and experience  into homeschooling high school on my YouTube channel, covering everything from legal requirements and crafting transcripts to the unparalleled flexibility homeschooling offers. However, homeschooling is more than all of that. It's about more than just hitting the books; it's about cultivating an environment where our teens thrive academically, spiritually, emotionally, and go out into the world and stand for Christ.

One thing I’ve tried to emphasize over and over is the importance of maintaining a strong connection with our high schoolers through open communication, intentional discipleship, and unwavering support. This phase of our children’s homeschool journey isn't just about academics; it's about preparing them for life beyond our homeschool walls. Whether it's exploring their passions, pursuing part-time jobs, or diving deep into extracurricular activities, homeschooling allows our teens the freedom to grow into well-rounded individuals.

One of the things I've found most rewarding about homeschooling through middle and high school is seeing how our family’s approach has really prepared our kids for the journey ahead. Teaching them to take ownership of their education and manage their time effectively has been crucial. We've learned to strike a balance between the required credits and their passions, which has made their learning experience more fulfilling. And let me tell you, planning those high school formals has been both challenging and incredibly rewarding—it's all about creating those unforgettable moments for our teens. For more on planning a formal, check out this blog post.

Homeschooling high school is not just about academics—it's about nurturing our children’s growth academically, spiritually, and emotionally, preparing them for a future filled with purpose and confidence. As I look back over the journey so far, I reflect on how God’s faithfulness has anchored our homeschooling experience, guiding us through challenges and milestones with unwavering trust.

The BEST Math for Homeschooling High School

Let’s talk about high school math. Shormann Math has revolutionized our homeschool math curriculum, offering a robust program that spans pre-algebra to calculus, all infused with a Christian worldview. This comprehensive approach not only meets the academic standards but also prepares my high school students for college exams with confidence. Dr. Shormann's program is rooted in the original John Saxon methodology, known for its rigorous and effective teaching style. One of the standout features of Shormann Math is its seamless integration of Geometry into Algebra 1 and Algebra 2, ensuring continuity in learning and preventing any gaps in knowledge. This integration not only enhances learning efficiency but also prepares students thoroughly for higher-level mathematics.

A key advantage of Shormann Math is its emphasis on college readiness. Students have the opportunity to earn up to 17 college credits through CLEP and AP exams while also practicing extensively for the math sections of the SAT and ACT. This dual focus on academic excellence and standardized test preparation equips my children with the skills needed to excel in college admissions and beyond. Additionally, the program's affordability is enhanced by a generous sibling discount and placement exams, making it accessible for families with multiple children.

Beyond its academic rigor, Shormann Math stands out for its faith-based perspective. Dr. Shormann integrates the Christian worldview into the curriculum, emphasizing God as the foundation of order and reason in mathematics. This unique approach not only enriches the educational experience but also reinforces the spiritual values important to our family. Practical features such as auto-grading and video examples help links further enhance the user experience, making it easier for both students and parents to navigate and engage with the material independently.

Shormann Math has been instrumental in shaping our homeschooling journey, providing a comprehensive and effective math education that prepares my children academically, spiritually, and practically for their future endeavors. Its proven effectiveness in preparing students for college and standardized tests, user-friendly design, and faith-based perspective make it a preferred choice in our homeschool curriculum.

I’ve created videos on my YouTube channel this past year sharing our experiences with Shormann Math. Check them out below.


Dual Enrollment and Grand Canyon University

Dual enrollment during high school years offers incredible benefits, setting students up for both academic and personal success. Imagine starting college early, earning credits that count towards a degree while still in high school—it’s like fast-tracking your educational journey and gaining a head start in your career aspirations.

One of the most significant advantages is the financial and time-saving aspect. By taking college-level courses during high school, students can potentially complete prerequisites early, reducing both the cost of college tuition and the time spent earning a degree. This can significantly alleviate financial burdens and allow students to focus more on advanced coursework or explore other interests during their college years.

Moreover, dual enrollment provides a valuable taste of college life and academics. It introduces students to the rigors of higher education in a supportive environment, helping them adjust to the expectations and demands of college-level coursework. This experience not only builds confidence but also enhances critical thinking, time management, and study skills—all essential for future academic endeavors.

For homeschoolers, dual enrollment complements the flexibility and personalized learning environment of homeschooling. It allows students to expand their academic horizons beyond the traditional high school curriculum, pursuing subjects of interest or career-related courses earlier than their peers. This early exposure can clarify career goals, strengthen college applications, and demonstrate a student's readiness for rigorous academic challenges to admissions officers.

My daughter's experience with Grand Canyon University's dual enrollment program exemplifies these benefits. She was able to complete 16 credits toward her nursing degree, setting a solid foundation for her future academic and career aspirations. The structured 7-week classes with daily participation requirements provided a rigorous yet manageable schedule, fostering discipline and educational growth. This experience not only enriched her high school education but also prepared her for the academic challenges she will face in college. Dual enrollment at Grand Canyon University truly opened doors that otherwise wouldn't have been possible, offering her a valuable head start in her educational journey.

For more on dual enrollment and our experience, check out my recent blog post on dual enrollment or the related YouTube videos below.

Practical Tips for Homeschooling High School

When it comes to homeschooling high school, every day brings new challenges and opportunities. From juggling classes, extracurriculars, and downtime to discovering the best tools for organization and finding a supportive community, navigating these years requires flexibility and a bit of creativity. Here's how we've managed to strike a balance: 

  • Scheduling and Planning: Navigating the schedule of a homeschooling high schooler involves a delicate balancing act. Flexibility has been our greatest ally, with classes, extracurricular activities, and much-needed downtime vying for attention. Unlike traditional school settings, homeschooling allows us to tailor our schedule to fit our teens' changing interests and needs. This adaptability has enabled us to delve deeper into subjects they're passionate about, adjust study times to optimize productivity, and accommodate unexpected growth opportunities. By embracing a flexible approach, we've created a rhythm that fosters both academic achievement and personal fulfillment.

  • Resource Recommendations: Throughout our homeschooling journey, we've discovered several invaluable tools that have enhanced our organizational efforts. The Band app stands out as a cornerstone in coordinating our co-op activities, field trips, and daily schedules. Its intuitive interface promotes seamless communication among co-op members, ensuring everyone remains informed and engaged. Additionally, tools for creating and maintaining transcripts have been essential in documenting our teens' academic achievements and preparing them for future educational endeavors. These resources not only simplify logistical challenges but also optimize our homeschooling experience, enabling us to devote more time to meaningful learning experiences with our high schoolers. 

Time for a shameless plug—Whether you're just starting out or looking to fine-tune your homeschooling approach, I've gathered some tools that have been real game-changers for us. These resources are all about making your homeschool journey smoother and more organized. My Homeschool Year Road Map has been a lifesaver for planning our year in advance and keeping us on track with everything we need to cover. The Quarter Goal Setting Sheets are great for setting realistic goals each quarter, which helps keep our homeschool focused and purposeful. The Homeschool Yearly Attendance Record has been incredibly handy for us. It's perfect for keeping track of attendance, whether you're schooling year-round or following a traditional schedule. Lastly, there's the High School Record Keeping tool. This one's been essential for us as we track courses, grades, and community service throughout the year, making the whole transcript process much more manageable. Feel free to check them out, in addition to other resources, in my shop.

  • Community and Support: Homeschooling may be a family endeavor but it thrives on community support. Engaging with like-minded homeschoolers, whether through online forums or local groups, has enriched our journey beyond measure. These communities serve as invaluable spaces where we exchange ideas, troubleshoot challenges, and celebrate milestones together. The support network provides encouragement during tough days and shares in the joys of our teens' achievements. From offering advice on curriculum choices to organizing social events, our community has become a lifeline, reinforcing our commitment to homeschooling and empowering us to navigate its highs and lows confidently.

Homeschooling high school isn't just an educational choice; it's a lifestyle that shapes our family dynamics and values. As I’ve reflected on our journey, I hope you feel inspired and empowered in your own homeschooling adventure.

Celebrating the milestones, navigating the challenges, and pouring into our teens' lives with love and intentionality are the cornerstones of our homeschooling journey. If you crave more, grab another cup of coffee and check out my Homeschooling Highschool Playlist on my  YouTube channel for more insights into homeschooling high school. Let's continue supporting each other as we navigate this incredible journey of homeschooling high school together!

Until next time!


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