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  • Book Lists

    Recommendations for high moral literature, classics, and more.

  • Homeschool Routines

    Homeschooling routines grow just like our kids do

  • Homeschool Troubles

    Homeschool Troubles? I can lend some advice

  • Homeschooling Must Haves

    Homeschooling items I’ve found over the years

Recent Blog Posts

Ashlee Williams Ashlee Williams

Caring for your WHOLE SELF

Many of you already know my story of four children under four years old. During that span of my life, I felt I had nothing for myself. No time. No interests. I lost who I was as an individual in my kids. It's easy to do, especially as a mother. I had let myself disappear and this left me feeling depleted. This feeling ultimately led to burnout and defeat. That’s when I finally realized something: My identity is NOT my kids. I am still ME. The ME that God created uniquely and for a purpose.

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Ashlee Williams Ashlee Williams

Overcoming Doubts and Fears about Homeschooling

“Me? Homeschool?” If someone had asked me about homeschooling nine plus years ago, this would probably have been my reaction. I was someone who had never thought of homeschooling nor been exposed to it. That is until I began seeking out alternative schooling options for my kids back in 2014.

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Ashlee Williams Ashlee Williams

Third Quarter Homeschool Blues

It would hit me hard every February. I’d wake up feeling tired, unmotivated, uninspired, and questioning if we were doing enough. I’d think to myself, what could possibly be wrong with me, to be feeling so down, when nothing terrible had occurred? It took me about two years in and several attempts at changing our school calendar to realize that the “third-quarter blues,” as I have dubbed them, was a really REAL thing.

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