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Blog Posts

All the Fall
Ashlee Williams Ashlee Williams

All the Fall

As we enter the “ber” months and the brisk cool weather starts to permeate the air, I can’t help but get excited. I LOVE fall. I love the splash of red, orange, and yellow that cover the trees. I love wearing my favorite sweaters and snuggling up with Jake as we sit by the fire pit drinking a glass of wine. I love decorating my home with all the cozy home decor. I love spending time with my kids in the kitchen, baking up all the delicious smelling pumpkin spice goods. Fall is absolutely my favorite season. In today’s post we’re going to talk about all my favorite fall things and I’ll share some recipes, coupon codes, and more.

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A Homeschool Day in Our Life
Ashlee Williams Ashlee Williams

A Homeschool Day in Our Life

Now that I have about a month under my belt with our new homeschool year, I thought it fitting to share a post about our homeschool day in our life. As many of you know, I am a homeschooling mama to four children (can I even call them children anymore…they’ve grown so much). My kids are in 11th, 10th, 8th, and 6th grade. Although our rhythms have stayed pretty much the same as they have in years past, this year definitely presented some new challenges which I have had to navigate and has resulted in a few adjustments. So let’s get into it.

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5 Surprising Things I DON’T DO in my Homeschool
Ashlee Williams Ashlee Williams

5 Surprising Things I DON’T DO in my Homeschool

As many of you are ramping up to start a new homeschool year or, like me, are a few weeks in, I thought it best to share this post with you. Starting a new school year is very exciting but at times can be overwhelming. This is especially true when you find yourself comparing your homeschool and things that you do with others around you or on social media. You can easily fall into the trap of wanting to do all the things when you know that you may not have time for them. You may find yourself trying to gameplan a way to fit in extras that you didn’t do the previous year just because you saw someone else doing it on Instagram. Don’t get me wrong, it is good to reevaluate each year and see what may be adjusted. But so many homeschoolers, including myself, can wonder if they are doing enough for their kids. Let me help ease your mind and help you feel at ease about the things you are doing. In today’s post, I share 5 things I DON’T do in my homeschool and some of them may surprise you.

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Are They Missing Out?
Ashlee Williams Ashlee Williams

Are They Missing Out?

As we have entered our first week of homeschooling for this new year, I thought it would be encouraging and helpful to share my heart on a commonly asked question that homeschoolers may get. {spoiler: it never stops} I’m sure you have heard this question or some variation of it from a “well-meaning” individual. When that someone learns that you homeschool, the words just roll off their tongue:

“Do you feel like your kids are missing out?” or “Do your kids feel like they’re missing out?”

Friends. This is my MOST hated question as a homeschooler and for the rest of this post will be referred to as my MHQ for short. After homeschooling for as long as I have and doing it in the public for as long as I have, I’m just a little tired of hearing this question. So buckle up mom friends as I discuss why I hate this question and share some encouragement for you.

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